BFCS Students Learn with their Hands
(as well as their heads)
The multi-purpose Shop classroom at Butte Falls Charter School isn’t only for vocational instruction. Every student at BFCS spends some time there, getting their hands dirty. Rolling up your sleeves and getting to work is part of what makes BFCS special.
Yes, we have some specialized vocational resources. Our new four-station welding program complements our manufacturing and construction technology classes. Our CNC router and CAD programs allow students to move from concept to design to production. Whether it’s designing and building bridges for the outdoor fitness course at the Natural Resource Center, dismantling a hand calculator to see how and where it’s made, or wading into a cold creek to collect biological samples, BFCS student learning is hands on. It’s part of the BFCS teaching philosophy: Hands on, real-world experience.
You’ll also find BFCS students hands on in the community, cleaning up parks and cemeteries, painting classrooms, and helping out where help is needed.