Ben DeCarlow - Science 8-12, NRC Curriculum Director, and Electives
Following substitute teaching in Medford and seven years of full-time assignments in Chiloquin and Hermiston, Ben brought his small school passion and belief in putting students first to our team. He grew up in Medford and enjoyed camping in the Butte Falls area for years. Now, he loves teaching here and discovering daily what will drive each student to succeed. “Finding what is going to work for our students, that is the goal. There is no fill-in-the-box attitude here. My colleagues and I all work collaboratively to connect with kids.” Ben is also excited to be a facilitator for the statewide Oregon Science Project, an effort to improve science education. This professional learning network is improving resources and science education throughout rural Oregon in support of Next Generation Science Standards. PREPARATION: Bachelors from University of Oregon 2009, Masters from Southern Oregon University 2010. Oregon Licensed Teacher.