Phil Long - Butte Falls Superintendent
Phil Long came to the district in 2016 after serving 30 years in the Medford School District as a German teacher, a high school administrator, a district curriculum and assessment director, a director of elementary education and district superintendent. “I was looking for an opportunity to take what I had learned through my experiences in Medford and reinvest that in a smaller district.” Since his arrival, the district has increased its enrollment, expanded learning opportunities for students, and improved the learning spaces for students. “I greatly appreciate the willingness of staff and community members to roll up their sleeves and help us strengthen our supports for students and families,” he explains. “Our focus on natural resources has helped us look to the unique learning experiences that can only occur in a rural setting. Our school board has been forward thinking and encouraged us to pursue hands-on projects for our students. Our team has been willing to learn strategies for meeting every student where they are and help them grow and mature in healthy, positive, and productive young adults.” Dr. Long is especially enthusiastic about the many partnerships the district has formed with local, regional and state agencies as well as with Rogue Community College and Southern Oregon University. He strongly believes that “education is the key to opportunity in life.” PREPARATION: Bachelors from Portland State University, 1981; Masters from Emmanuel School of Religion, Johnson City, TN, 1983; Masters from Portland State University, 1990; PhD from University of Oregon, 1998. Oregon Distinguished Licensed Administrator and Teacher.